Drain-AS Alliance answered this question on the basis of 2 pioneering judgements. Investigations by local authorities show that about 70 percent of all sewage pipes on private land are leaking. This ailing sewage pipes are a threat to the groundwater. Therefore a leak test must be made according to legislators nationwide until no later than 2015 (more about this in the press room of the drain AS Alliance). In this context homeowners with their building insurance argue violently about which tubes are covered by the insurance policy and which are not.
But a close look in the administration of Justice can bring light in the dark. Facts case 1: when pressing the flushing of toilet was the homeowner noticed that the wastewater not expired and joined by a backwater of the toilet bowl. The sewage had dammed back because two pipes under the floor plate were poorly connected. This was bagged the sewer pipe to a length of several meters. The summoned Installer repaired the damage and provided for around 11,000 EUR in Bill the homeowner. The homeowner submitted this Bill promptly to his building insurance.
They wanted to not do but for the cost of repairs. \”Reasoning of the building insurance: it is insurance technically not a pipe break\”, but to connect two pieces of pipe, defective. For this purpose, building insurance must not afford. Court ruling: The OLG Bamberg (decision of 17.01.2006, 1 U 241/05, VersR 2006, S. 1213) has confirmed the opinion of the defendant insurance company of building. Only then, according to the General conditions of insurance (AVB), building insurance to pay if there is a rupture of the pipe or water damage. Conceptually, a pipe break requires that the pipe material through a hole or a break is damaged. The case is not insured, if the tubes are even intact and simply not properly connected.