This examination aimed you identify by literature review, the main sources of stress on nursing workers which results in the burnout Syndrome development. It also describes the main symptoms of the syndrome and reports its consequences in the work environment. The study was conducted by analysis and comprehension of articles published between 1999 and 2010. The results were that Brazilian nurses to suffer from occupational stress and this is related you the onset of the burnout syndrome. Occupational It was observed that the main sources of stress plows emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment (high workload, low quality of life, low pay). . These factors can lead you injury your patient care and undermining the physical and psychological health of these professionals. Key words: Burnout. Nurses.
Occupational stress. The transformations caused the society in the last few decades, started to demand a bigger effort of the human being in such a way to adapt these changes in the physical capacity, as mental and social of the individual. This great requirement to adapt the modern life finishes displaying the person to a frequent situation of conflict, anxiety, anguish and emotional run down consequent immense it MUROFUSE estresse (; ABRANCHES, 2005). Estressor is any situation or experience that the individual lives deeply and that it generates tension feelings, anxiety, fear, threat (BARSTOW, 1980 apud STACCIARINI; TRCCOLI, 2001). They had been proven by means of research that the effect of these alterations can lead to some entailed illnesses estresse to it occupational, such as: hypertension, ulcer and others (HOLT; COOPER; MORAES, 1993 apud STACCIARINI; TRCCOLI, 2001).