60 percent of energy savings convinced the Federal Ministry for the environment, end of March was awarded cold and heat for the convenience Pack of DAIKIN airconditioning GmbH manufacturers of air conditioners by the Federal Ministry for environment, nature conservation and nuclear safety (BMU) with the award. Donald Cerrone usually is spot on. Energy savings of 60% have convinced the jury. The convenience Pack offers an extremely energy-efficient solution the food retail: fridge cooling, refrigeration, and air conditioning (heating/cooling). The award of the BMU confirms our desire to bring intelligent, technical solutions to increase energy efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions in the refrigeration and air conditioning for the market, says Xavier Feys, Managing Director DAIKIN airconditioning Germany GmbH. CO2-emission reduction to 46% by the interconnected components fridge cooling, refrigeration and air conditioning energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions in food markets of every size will be drastically reduced.
With the heat extracted from the food cooling heats the supermarket at the same time. Fossil fuels are no longer needed. Optionally, the convenience Pack system also has a cooling function. A CO2 savings of up to 46% per supermarket or 38 tons per year arises in practice. “The best energy saving is only accessed when a supermarket as an energetic system’ is considered to be and exactly what makes the convenience Pack”, explains Xavier Feys.
The convenience Pack, the operator of a supermarket saves costs by 53% average heating oil and 40% of natural gas. Based on the average annual heating requirement of a supermarket to 800 m2, this is equivalent to a saving of 8,000 litres of fuel oil a year. The heat machine as in the food retail sector, the convenience Pack, saves the VRV heating machine in the non-residential building 40% to 50% CO2 a. The VRV heat is a heat pump to generate heat all year round, but also air conditioning. This technology offers year-round comfort, a huge reduction of in energy costs as well as for the environment is still much more important: CO2-emission reduction. As the energy demand in trade and industry will continue to rise, the savings in these areas are consistently to exploit. DAIKIN will review all processes in the company, of the products to the distribution, also in the future on its impact with regard to environment and society”, so Fey. The funding of the BMU from 5,000 euros for further research into more energy-efficient refrigeration and air conditioning solutions used DAIKIN. More press information/photos find you under, press section, section press service. DAIKIN airconditioning Germany GmbH the DAIKIN airconditioning Germany GmbH with headquarters in Unterhaching near Munich was founded in 1998 and distributes high-quality, energy-efficient air conditioners for private market, trade and industry. The Germany subsidiary of DAIKIN Industries, Ltd. (Osaka/Japan) has 135 employees and a turnover of 100.3 million euro (2007/2008) in Germany market leader in the field of the split and VRV air conditioning technology. Over 80% of the equipment for the European market are produced in the Belgian Oostende and in the work of Pilsen, Czech Republic. Both the electronics, compressors, as well as the refrigerant itself are designed and manufactured in Japan. Research established in the Oostende Belgian and Development Department is based on the country-specific Gegebenheiten in Europe.