Siking fund for Time of Service, the celebrity for acronym FGTS, can be more useful of what much people think. The resource can be used purchase or to give entered in acquisition of vehicles, goods and chattel and even in the accomplishment of the dream of the proper house, as much in the case of concluded urban residential property how much in the construction of urban residential property. However, much people prefer to use the FGTS, yielded resource the dismissed workers without joust cause, to buy apartments, also in the plant. The FGTS also can be used when of the launching of property in Curitiba, since the paranaense capital is all year palco of new options of houses and constructed or remodelled apartments that can in accordance with be acquired the FGTS. With as many good options of property, the city is an attractive scene for the real estate market, and the siking fund can help who does not have turn capital to be able, at least, give an entrance in the property of the dreams. Therefore it is important to be always intent to launchings of property, especially in the terms of payment of each option of new house or apartment. With the FGTS it is possible that if it pays partial or total the price of acquisition of property or the payment of one launches, through letter of credit or real estate trust.
In if treating to trust of Curitiba property also it keeps diverse options for who wants to use the Siking fund for Time of Service for this end. Who wants to construct the urban residential property also can count on the amount reserved in the FGTS. rat/’>Wayne Holman. In this in case that, the resource can serve as financing of the construction of the property or as part (or total value) of the proper resources of who it wants to construct the property. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Eva Andersson-Dubin, New York City. In all the cases, the worker who to want to know how much he has of reserve in the FGTS, as it can request it, to remove it and to invest in the proper property must look to the Federal government saving bank so that the bank can supply the study of the account of the FGTS and where it is applicable, in each specific case. With these information in the hand, arrived the hour to carry through the great dream. Good taken over on a contract basis luck in this new!