It composes, therefore a universe to reflect (in) ambient justice in the Federal District. Leaving of this agreement, the present empirical article if considered to know as the public agents deliberate the socioambientais questions in the Structural Village. The study sublilha four points: 1) one soon contextualizao of the movement for ambient justice in the United States and Brazil. 2) a summary of the historical aspects of the formation of the Structural Village and its socioeconmico and ambient aspect. 3) tematiza the public politics and the environment.
4) deal with the analysis and interpretation of the collected data. Finally, the final consideraes that answer to the objectives of this research and display the limitations of the inquiry. 1. The movement for ambient justice in the United States and Brazil the term Ambient Justice appeared in the decade of 70, after constant fights of the blacks for Civil laws against the installation of deposits of toxic residues, in the cities located in its majority in the Southeast of the United States. Registering an ackward coincidence: about (three-rooms) of the aterros they were located in quarters inhabited for blacks. The protests had lead the Commission Racial Justice to produce the first study to correlate installations that they manipulated residues with demographic characteristics, the Toxic Waste and Race. In 1990, the Duping book in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality registered the convergence of two social movements: justice and ambient defense.
The movement initiated in local communities against toxic agents and nestings of dangerous installations grew in direction to a multithematic, multiethnic and multiregional movement. (BULLARD, 2004). One of the most important events of the history of the movement was the First National Conference of Ambient Leaderships of People of Color, carried through in Washington, in 1991. The conference extended the focus of quarrels of toxic antiproducts, to questions related to the public health, security of the work, use of the ground, has carried, housings, organization and distribution of resources, and empoderamento of the communities.