Although the euphoria, ' ' New Repblica' ' it seemed to demonstrate that the old traditional order, instead of being surpassed, persisted and absorbed the signs of modernity. It is the case, for example, of Roque Santeiro. According to Hamburger, Roque Santeiro appeals to the irony to emphasize the unexpected resistance of the traditional relations of being able, although ' ' modernizao' '. The force of the perverse tradition is reaffirmed in the representation of agricultural scenes and natural landscapes, in opposition to ' ' fraqueza' ' of modernity, reduced to the exterior world. The symbols of modernity are acquitted for the colonel, who plays a central role between the city and the exterior world. The novel, in short, would present a certain skepticism in the old notion of that Brazil would be the country of the future. The analysis of Gomes is seemed.

For this author, the tram of Roque Santeiro can be explained from ' ' plan of mito' ' (sacred), the point of view of the inhabitants of White Wing, and ' ' plan of farsa' ' (profane), represented for the powerful ones of the city. Among others things, the novel demonstrated that the power and the wealth are associates, between us, to the power to make, to act, in the direction of being subject of an action, while the weakness and the poverty are associates to the dependence condition. In the end, the victory of the myth is interpreted by the author as the victory of the conservadorismo, or better, of the hierarchic tradition, prescribed in the Brazilian society, on modernity. Thus, the last chapter, in contrast of the intention of Days Gomes, author of the tram, did not cause the waited revolt, being perfectly understood for the population. Almeida also works with the dichotomy ' ' modernidade' ' x ' ' tradio' ' , but from one another perspective.