It is given credit that the presented research however has a social relevance for the children with Syndrome of Down and for the society, therefore aims at to provide to one better agreement on the genetic disfuno and the inclusion. Pointing possible ways with respect to its acceptance in the society. The research will have as metodolgico instrument a bibliographical survey, with the objective to verify the general aspects of the Syndrome of Down. To analyze the stigma and preconception that the child with the syndrome is submitted. To search the problematic one of the pertaining to school inclusion presented by some theoreticians, to understand as this inclusion in the pertaining to school environment occurs. For this survey, we will use as theoretical support Cyreno, Blacksmith, Rasp, Mantoan, Sassaki, Voivodic, Werneck, among others. Theoretical Referencial Syndrome, etimologicamente is a set of symptoms, characteristics that harm the development of the person. Syndrome of Down or trissomia 21 it is a genetic riot caused by the presence of a chromosome 21 total extra or partially.
The French scientist Jerome Lejeune, studying the chromosomes discovered that the Syndrome of Down is consequncia of a genetic accident, instead of 46 chromosomes for cell, has 47. That is, one more. is this extra chromosome that modifies all the genetic structure of the person. (CYRENO, 2007; IT HISSES, 2005). The name syndrome of Down is a homage to the English doctor John Langdon Down who notified the illness in 1866. In its studies John Langdon Down it was questioned because children born in countries of the European continent so far from the Monglia (Asia) presented fisionmicos traces so similar to citizens of this country. In result of this similarity, the people with Syndrome of Down were called mongol, this form treatment if have shown contemptuous. Currently this term more is not used, or it would not have to be.