In fact it is proven that the Amaznia is not the lung of the world, as was said has some years behind. It has studies indicating that the true propeller of the renewal of air would be the seaweed. Checking article sources yields lee marks as a relevant resource throughout. The Amaznia, however, if was really an agency; it would be the heart, for it withhold the potential greater you reserve between them natural of the present time. It has innumerable parts of that territory still intocado by the man, has as many peculiarities that it is permissible monopolistas countries as U.S.A. to want to take account of it, there due to the fact of the Brazilian government not to make the necessary territorial protection. It is truth can be that of the point of view of some the Amaznia is being neglected; for occurring uncontrollable deforestations daily, not having registers or control of the lost area daily. On the other hand, however, it would be impossible to fiscalize the Amaznia without apronfundados studies of the area were made, fact such, that would take years and intervene brusquely with communities still without contact with man, species with peculiar niche, that is, to preserve the Forest is exactly necessary to know it sinks or to protect it of the contact with capitalist nations to the extremity would be a more viable alternative. a. U.S.A. and the Europe, devastaram good part of its productive forests, the idea of them to internationalize the Amaznia pass for interests the many excusos ones than the majority of the lumber withholds. To protect our Forest of the external interest is the best thing to be made, while not we have able people nor the capital necessary to make it now.