Knows the characteristics that differentiate to HostGator for the rest of the companies Hosting Coupon > bestgator10 – advantages: unlimited traffic: you will not charge extra for the traffic that dirigas to your site, be careful with this, much get carried away by the good price offered by other hosting companies, but do not know that once reached some number of traffic per monthdo not accept more visitors to not be of that charge you more, good hostgator doesn’t do that. You can take 300,000 people to your site in a month, and seguiras paying the same. Unlimited hard drive: You have a virtual disk with unlimited space, you can upload to these servers what you want, if your computer or notebook, are you finishing the space, you can go up to hostgator and go hence storing all your stuff, or even though you want to make a backup of your important files, you can be sure that hostgator to care for your files. All the domains that you want: You can add all the domains you want, without paying anything extra, you can have all the business you want without paying anything extra. Many single hosting limit you to use 1-2 domains, so that you have to hire another hosting, hostgator, eventually save you money.
Guaranteed fast: Has a 99.9% of speed warrants, one of the best in the world. You won’t have to worry because your page from falling or having the connection problem, since the hostgator servers are made of gold, to make the transmission of data more quickly and efficiently. Configuracion Instantanea: This only 3 minutes late, then of purchasing in 3 minutes already you can encounter and begin to configure everything. Other companies take up to days to give you access to your hosting. Satisfaction guarantee: in the event that for any reason, you feel not satisfied with hostgator, you can request a refund of all your money, no questions asked, without conditions.