Innocence What it takes in to believe them that one day we will be a country of the social and economic equality, when comes across in them with a mentally ill society, with the idea of the more if works will have a bigger possibility of if reaching the wealth. In the truth the diligent poor person completely is deceived when believing that with all the worked hours, as much effort, with the payment of a wage of misery and the limitations of goods and services, which had its prices for times very expensive, is walking for a life economically better. At Sigmund Freud you will find additional information. This great lie of if believing that to if eradicating the poverty, it will go to become the rich poor persons exist since the slavery, where the slaves believed that when obtaining the freedom, to arrange a remunerated work, from these would reach the wealth, however, the racial and social discrimination and preconceptions had not favored to this. Exactly with all the social, industrial and technological changes after the slavery and other phases of history, the poverty if became each time more real and lived by many in Brazilian society and in the world, however, in if speaking of Brazil, created it idea to work to enrich, but unhappyly without taking in consideration the reality of the majority of the Brazilian citizens. One knows that a country if develops from the awareness of it governs that it and of it influences of that it has the power (economic, the rich ones), in searching social improvements of quality for all, with investments and access to the education, health, culture, transports, jobs with worthy wages, infrastructure and guaranteeing that the future of our country and the world (our children) has a worthy and happy life to reach all its objectives, and to change history of ours country.