In the hand of these requirements more services and easinesses to the patients are implemented each time who today are called customers. Responsible for the Hospital Division of a great laboratory, Emerson de Lima Taveira works arduously to consider the insuring operators of health and, offers its patients the modality of domiciliary collection without costs. I benefit it of the treatment in house, either it Home Care or a simple domiciliary collection backwards the patient o a bigger sensation to be being well well-taken care of, therefore, in these cases does not have the displacement until laboratoriais or clinical units. The project basically this directed toward the absorption of the composition costs logistic to the customizao of the carried through examinations.
They are characteristics that already exist in the Country, however, with responsibility to the patient that depending on its localization arrives to pay until R$ 100,00 (one hundred Reals) for the displacement and collects. The projects are well advanced according to Emerson, currently are carrying through the services in 3 (three) city of average transport. ‘ ‘ We are the six months carrying through prepared collections with cars and professionals, exists an acceptability of 100% of the customers, our bigger care now and to search alternatives and software that help to mount and to mapear the exits of carros’ ‘. Those are deceived that think that the service will be available only to a classroom specifies of the population, ‘ ‘ the proper operator of health determines who must more use of the services, being able to be patient of plans raised the patients with conditions of restricted mobility, in this independent case the one that classroom immediate belongs or region of domicilio’ ‘..