And now I’m here in this world so full of people but for everyone so alone, surrounded by people who have forgotten the spiritual, the things that give value to life, so beautiful that life could be if there was a little more honesty in people, people is increasingly empty, I have in this world so cold, cold fear of the intentions of each party. You do not know who’ll face each day, I wish this were a dream and wake up to a candid world, of feeling open, is so heartbreaking that if you crush it shows sincere. It seems as if a contagious gas in the air and breathe it if you drown all the attitudes of people have double meanings. They do not make open-heart songs that make the body vibrate, Please help me to help with some of you open heart, people see that even there is at least some sense in this world. My time in life are discouraged, Malcolm, poor sleep, and overwork, and the pleasure of living becomes only seek material comfort, and that keeps us awake and alive that it is what is killing the world has become more demanding, demanding, and above all overwhelming. I am ready and prepared for the hard life, I’ve been crushed and I have risen steadily, that is enduring the blows, and there is no better experience than life. Information is very good, but life is the best book of teachings, just a matter of knowing how to take what is good for us.
But despite knowing that one must know how to protect so much hypocrisy, also unsuccessfully seeking people who gives without expecting anything. If someone gives me a smile or a cheerful greeting or a comment of encouragement, worth more than any material gift. If someone shows something that is valuable to him and gives it away, is more glorious for the giver as for the receiver. Life is about moments, live it, enjoy it, defend yourself, be strong, never give up, you’ll get bumps and falls, but the important thing is to get up. e-pay’>Alan Schnitzer. We all suffer and if anyone denies it is a lie, but we also enjoy, we laugh, we share moments, but if we live in a material world strongly worst thing we can do is keep learning and prepare, we should be at the forefront of seizing opportunities.