the secondary prevention has for purpose to modify course of the illness, a time that its biological beginning already happened, by means of interventions that allow to its precocious detention and its opportune treatment …. It is essential to educate population the professionals of health for the recognition of the signals and precocious symptoms of the cancer, contributing for its detention in less advanced periods of training and increasing the possibilities of success of the praised treatment. This can be gotten by means of educative campaigns and qualification of health agents (WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (WHO), 2002 apud THULER, 2003). For Thuler (2003), the programs of tracking for breast cancer have as white to identify women who if find in precocious period of training of the illness. Currently it has three available strategies for tracking of the breast cancer: mamografia (MMG), clinical examination of the breasts (ECM) and auto-examination of the breasts (AEM), that they will be presented to follow: The Mamografia (MMG): the tracking of the cancer of breast by means of its radiogrfico examination has as purpose, being used with intention to identify suggestive alterations of malignidade before clinical manifestations occur. The Clinical Examination of Mamas (ECM): until the present moment not it has scientific evidences of the effectiveness of (ECM) in the reduction of mortality for breast cancer. The Auto Examination of Mamas (AEM): still not to have direct evidence that (AEM) effectively reduces mortality for breast cancer, it is important that the women remain themselves intent to the alterations in its breasts and report any alteration to the health professional. Although the women, individually, can see the accomplishment of the AEM as part of its auto-care, the recommendations for health professionals must emphasize that it does not have scientific evidences of that (AEM) reduces mortality for breast cancer and that of the ethical point of view the use of the public resources in class actions of proven effectiveness must be perfected.