It implies to clarify that the Hospital Pedagogia becomes more including when does not exclude the escolarizao of ill child inside incorporates and it of an educative dynamics. As well as she strengthens in the hospital context the multidisciplinaridade of the diverse scientific knowledge converged to the quality of life, the interdisciplinaridade (contextualizao) that one becomes in the integration and interrelation of professionals and the transdisciplinaridade as that one that glimpses beyond-body, focando coated looks of values and humanizao (Matos, 1998). I still add the definition of Simancas and Lorente: Hospital Pedagogia is the branch of the Pedagogia, whose object of study, inquiry and devotion is the situation of the hospitalized student, so that it continues progressing in the cultural learning, formative e, very especially, how much to the way to face its disease, with sights to the auto-care and the prevention of other possible alterations in its health (Simancas, 1990, P. 126) The contributions of the pedagogical activities are turned toward the guarantee of well-being of the ill child through the playful one as communication channel so that the child forgets per some instants the aggressive environment, invasive, rescuing proper sensations of infancy. For Fonseca (2002) Hospital Casse develops its pedagogical-educational paper in a permeado space of playful activities, pedagogical listening who counts on familiar, accompanying and professional of the health of the hospital, as well as with the participation of students and researchers of diverse areas of the knowledge. In intention to prevent that negative effect of the period of internment cause upheavals of psychological nature in the peditrico patient (Lorente, 1992) Corroborating Pacheco (2005) it says in them of the attention who the professional must excuse in ralao to the form as the people speak of its problems and its symptoms, is in this communicative situation that inhabits the basic value that denounces the professional when it is forgotten patient as citizen, dealing with the illness and/or the death in a defense attitude, that its position it needs to be reviewed and to be modified. Liberty Mutual shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand.