In if treating to education the sofistas they had promoted a revolution in the society Greek breaking the traditional circle of privileges that the aristocrats withheld and when promoting the shock in square was inaugurated a new form to think. Here already I was not more the world I needed to be unmasked, but the man. Which its place in the world? Which the direction of its existence? He would be the destined man great made or was only one joguete at the hands of deuses? Or same they would have to ask itself if the man was only born to nourish itself, to grow, to procreate and to die? If he was only this little or nothing it differed itself from the animals. Therefore these also are born, grow, nourish, reproduce and finally they die. If the man was born only for this would be very little. The sofista launched the new reflection that made possible the man to alar new flights.
The man was born to live in society and if to relate ones with the others, exactly that this relation is conflituosa is better that relation none. With the bloom of great population agglomerations that if had become urban appear then ' ' polis' ' the city Greek. In this context the man passes if to dedicate to the debates in public square aiming at the common good and is delineated the democracy, where the speech prevails and everything this is workmanship of the sofista. It did not appear with the advent of the democracy, for the opposite, forms the condition of possibility of the democracy. He is not without reason that Plato considers the democracy as inadequate for government of a state. Sofistas: villains or breakers of paradigms? We must fears them, to hate them or to weave loas to them for the given services the humanity?