As well as the different cultures, they reveal a way inverse to express the inheritance of its education, and in some levels of manifestation as the civilizations of the old east were dominated by the spirit of the pessimism, established in the certainty of the fatality. The religious cult seemed to the only evasion of the submission to all the forces of the nature, and the whims of the sovereigns and of whom they had in the force the argument of the power. The slavery feeling lead the man to a misticismo of the absolute unfastening, of the attitude of mortificao of the will, of the negation of the world. The happiness would be in not desiring, in not possessing will some, and thus running away to the cycles from the sufferings the one that if subjected all the ones that dared some thing of the world. Therefore, the civilization Greek started to present a new valuation of the man, looked for to conciliate the certainty of the fatality with the feeling of the freedom. The Greek man, in a general way, has the feeling of that the success does not fit it, therefore the success depends, for it, of the whim of deuses; to the man fits the effort, to deuses? the success.
The Greek man did not believe the fatality. Cultuava the fame as well as the moral victory, thus has, a direction of dignity and nobility in the conception of the Greek man, since the homrico period, being that this certification of the first historical times of Greece marked the ideals of the education Greek in its posterior periods. The philosophy that is fruit of the ground Greek, also known as the Greek miracle, elaborated a new vision of the world and of the nature of a general form, the man one more time enters in its reflexiva conception, now the antropos are an essential concern inside of the philosophy that walks in direction of the critical and reflective sense of all the things.