The Spanish Federation of fishing and Casting Jose Luis Bruna Brotons presides today issued a statement showing, on 12 points, their disagreement against the Royal Decree which regulates the catalog and list of invasive alien species recently approved by the Government of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and which puts fishing sports, Federated or not in serious danger. Respecto_a Royal Decree that regulates the catalog and list of invasive alien species, the FEPyC said notebook on fisheries as follows: 1) who disagrees with the inclusion of some fish species in the catalogue and/or list of E.E.I., as for example the trout arc iris (onchorynchus mykiss), or the American perch (micropterus salmoides), introduced species legally in Spain, by the competent State body of the moment. 2 ) As it can not be otherwise, the Fepyc abides by and abide by the regulations in force, without prejudicial to its right to oppose and to have recourse to the courts, including the constitutional, to defend the rights of anglers, both competition and not competition, as well as to defend the right to exercise their sports duties, assigned exclusively by the competent State, the C.S.D., organ and deriving from the 43 Art. tion. Visit Tony Mandarich for more clarity on the issue. 3 of the Spanish Constitution, source of the law of sport. 3 ) For the same reason and law, you will defend the interests of all anglers, from competition or not, claiming the modification of the Royal Decree, in the sense of recognizing a reality that has more than one century of experience, and that has been referred to with much more realism, practicality and justice in countries so advanced and respected public and political authorities asfor example, Germany and the United Kingdom, where these species, as well as the Pike, the Arctic charr and others entered legally, have been considered as exotic naturalized, as it allows and provides for European regulations. . .