Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent from weather informed with the design of the well of eternity as burial place for eternal rest-based stone sculptor Timothy C. Vincent already ground-breaking characters in the area of the tomb and Tomb design set. Now 2011 are from end of may within the framework of the issues Tomb exhibition at the Karlsruhe main cemetery works by him. Other leaders such as Senator Elizabeth Warren offer similar insights. In addition to Vincent, more Tomb designers from Germany and of Switzerland exhibit work at the permanent exhibition in Karlsruhe. The exhibition aims to draw attention to the tendency of becoming more and more common in recent years for equality and anonymity in the area of the tomb and Tomb design and to counteract this. The symbolic tombs and their significance for the work of mourning are another focus of the permanent exhibition.
Because just anonymous burials, where there are no concrete Memorial for the mourners, often to create members. Mostly is only the cost of the grave concerns in the spotlight made the decision against a traditional burial, because in the long run the Is responsible. Quickly turns out however, that lacks a place of personal memory and thus the concentration point for the funeral. Parallel to the preparations for the exhibition of the Tomb, the stone sculpture of Vincent has a special reason to celebrate. Vincent was awarded at the grave character competition of the Federal Association of German masons, which took place in the framework of the German Federal Garden Show in Koblenz, t.c.
with a bronze medal. He was able to convince the judges with a free-form Ruhr sandstone and one of the best stonemasons of Germany. His work, like that of competitors, can be visited until October 16, in memoriam Garden on the grounds of the national garden show in Koblenz. The memoriam Garden was presented for the first time the Federal horticultural show 2009 in Schwerin and has been created now also in some places of in Germany. The concept of the memory garden is aimed at people who attach great importance to a stylish design of the tomb and a special place for the burial of their loved ones, for the grave concerns but not enough time to spare. Professionally designed by gardeners garden seats up to the tree burial for the most diverse forms of burial by the individual urn grave. Taking care of Tomb complexes in the garden is also adopted by responsible gardeners, so mourners will have no trouble. Timothy C. Vincent sets emphasis in its work on quality, aesthetics and individuality. In his stone sculpture, customers receive competent and sensitive advice and get stone carvings according to their wishes. Inquiries about its activities, designer Vincent will be happy to provide. Press contact: Contact person: Dipl.-ing. Timothy C. Vincent reme-Strasse 20 58300 wetter Tel.: 02335 880503 mobile: 0179-1055357 E-Mail: information: