4 Seed recommended for lawn reseeding: the species to be used is the ryegrass. The ryegrass It may be annual or perennial. The annual rg has wide dissemination, due to its low price and this is its only advantage. It has a lemony green color and its main defect is the high growth rate that has during the spring, which obliges cuts very frequent if we want to keep it well. Another disadvantage is the rapid transition which makes in the spring. In October, the plant is deteriorating because it is ending its cycle (remember that it is annual), when summer species still have not taken their active growth.In recent years they have entered the market varieties of annual ryegrass improved lawn, with better color, higher density of plant and smoother transition. Within these ryegrass elite include a landscaping II and Axcella, varieties of American origin with high quality lawn.They are also the perennial ryegrass, although used in replanting as annual, they have the great advantage of being much more beautiful by its color, its plant density, the transition because removed slowly when the heat is strong and the competition of the species of summer is at its maximum.
The list of available for lawns ryegrass is very extensive, because a great genetic development has occurred on this species. We can mention of minor to major common forage ryegrass as PICASSO and NUI, improved as ryegrass AUGUSTA and elite as EXCEL I, PhD or PLAYMATE. See more about seeds for replanting autumn 5. Fertilizer: The next step is the fertilization with a fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus which is the main nutrient for the development of the roots. You can use phosphate diammonium or a good starter fertilizer of slow release to ensure the provision of nitrogen in the spring.
In both cases the dosage used is 1 – 2 kg/100 m2. You should not exceed this dose to avoid, especially in the case of diammonium phosphate, burning of the plants. Planting should be done by spreading the seeds evenly on the existing countertop and then cause it to drop in the largest possible proportion to the floor using a watering intense. A very effective and simple way is to pass with a piece of carpet with a brace of wood at one end in a way that produces the vibration of the plants and the seeds fall to the ground. 6 Tasks to perform: the main task at hand, is cutting the existing grass well low. This will allow that autumnal replanting take seed better contact with the soil and also removes part of leaves and dead stems that would affect the future growth of the grass.A practice not very common in gardens, but essential in sports fields is the dethaching or edging, or cut vertical. The main effect is cut all the dead lawn parties that are close to the ground and bring them to the surface so they can then be removed using a rake.Irrigation in the next 10 days is extremely important, it must be intense but without pooling. When the plants reach 10 cms the first cut with a very sharp machine must be to prevent the detachment of them.The following cuts must never lower the height of the plant more than 1/3 of its total height.