Story of a director of Public School The present article is part of a requested work for the School of Managers of the MEC, that is, of After-Graduation concluded in the year de2010. Aeducao is integrant part of my life, therefore I am professor since 1985, being that I entered the public teaching in 1991 officially. You may find that Maya Dubin, New York City can contribute to your knowledge. After ten years in classroom, it appeared to the chance of the experience of being managing in public school, when by means of the vote, the community in them chose director of a Municipal School of Infantile Education and Basic Education. This first contact was brief, lasted until year 1999, when I left the direction to study; however, we come back toward the direction of the school in the 2006 for the direct vote of all pertaining to school community. The management that we look for to exert has the participation of all. Our school counts approximately on 900 pupils, distributed in two periods, vespertine matutino and, with Infantile Education and Ensino Basic. We count on about 40 professors who exert activities in its respective areas of formation and with 25 administrative employees.
All work in favor of the advance of the education. We have conscience that it is not easy task, but, to each day, as manager, search to transmit the collaborators who we must make to fulfill our goals. Test of this commitment was that in the Index of Development of the Basic Education IDEB of 2007 the school reached the first place in the city of Navira 5,0 (five) in the Initial Years of Basic Ensino and 5.1 (five and one) in the Final Years of Basic Ensino – projected goal for 2011. Our management is pautada in the dialogue and, over all, by the participation of all the professors are heard by means of meetings that are traced in pertaining to school calendar; the learning trace its claims by means of meetings accomplished with the leaders of rooms, with the organization of the Estudantil Bosom, in intermediao of the leader professors of the rooms or in the visits of the director in the classrooms.