The didactic orientaes how much to the metrologia, constant in the formal education 22, describes the way of if presenting to the pupils the knowledge in this area, and remember that on the present time, ITSELF it is based from units of base. Since very early the children they have experiences with the markings of the time and other measures even so, does not mean much less that they have constructed a solid understanding of the measurable attributes of an object, that dominate measure procedures. The metrologia if initiates with the mathematics program, working objects and geometric figures, the space perception, being presented the units of measure in accordance with geometric slight knowledge. To show and to compare the largenesses and the measures of same nature; to carry through measurements, to use instruments they are practical that they work the mental representations and they relate the daily measures with intuitivas and informal experiences, with the measurement. The tables of conversions are presented gradual in subsequent periods. In general way, the education of the metrologia is not emphasized in the content programmarian of average education 23, nor in the resumes of physics, mathematics, chemistry and biology – you discipline that they depend on the metrolgicas information.
The metrologia is presented in the initial levels, of superficial form always in complementation to the content programmarian of the mathematics. From the courses of graduation of superior level the metrologia passes to be represented by a topic in the courses of physics, and thus permeia other areas with 24 initiatives shy and limited. In engineering if it makes gift in the one in specific courses, as of electric mechanics or, with the denomination of dimensional metrologia and electric measures, respectively. This shy limitation presents a given metrologia superficially, raising to the agreement difficulties 25 of the pupils, how much to principles beddings of science, as the largenesses, the similar necessity of the conversions and scales, uncertainty of the measurements, and treatment of the errors.