In the long term, UVB rays are absorbed by DNA and cause alterations in the genome. UVA rays are also absorbed and transformed into free radicals, which alter the genetic material and saturate the defensive systems of the skin. Therefore abuse the sun produces aging and in particularly sensitive or prolonged skin cancer According to several clinical studies, using a photoresist 15 over the first 18 years of life may be shortened to a 78% risk of skin cancer. "Ca" MO Tanning?, TIPS Whenever our skin is exposed to sunlight to protect ourselves. With hats, clothing (light shirts, long pants), sunglasses, and sunscreen creams containing reliable. We must free ourselves from the obsession with tanning, especially by the rapid tanning. And if you have teenage children, raising their awareness of the absolute necessity of sun protection. The quick tan always a risk, because exposure to the sun, as we know, must be gradual, never for more than 20 minutes at a time, preferably in motion, never at midday (between 11 and 15 hours), with special care at first.
It is always necessary to use maximum protection sunscreen to the top (from 15), and apply again every two hours. For best results use a sunscreen, you need to follow four basic rules: a Apply the sunscreen at home, never at the beach or pool. a Do it on dry skin. a Apply 30 minutes before sun exposure. a To be generous in quantity.