In the past we have talked about the difference between sight and vision. We said that the view is one of the five senses and that vision is the ability we have to interpret everything we see. You were to now you ask how it is that we can realize the vision performance and where you found in our brain. It is precisely on what we are going to talk then. Would like to start with the following phrase: eyes don’t tell the person what to see the person tells you eyes look.
Lawrence Macdonald, o. D. The eyes, as well as other parts of the body are due to stimuli that originate in our brain and in this case end up in any motor response. As put together the eyes to watch closely, focus on an object at a distance or, move your eyes to follow the path of a ball before catching it. In the brain there is a specific area for viewing, which is the occipital lobe, is where are the majority of the cell of the retina, however, is not the only area of the brain that She is involved in the processes of the vision.
The occipital lobe is the lobe located in the posterior region of the brain responsible for processing from images of the retina. The main task of this lobe is decoding the electrical impulses that sent the optic nerve, interpret them and show the image. Occipital cortex send information everywhere: to the frontal lobe, parietal lobe, temporal lobe, cerebellum, thalamus, brainstem, everywhere. Research has shown that 75% of sensory information in the brain is visual. There are more areas of the brain devoted to vision than all the other combined modalities of senses. We can conclude that vision is penetrating through the brain, however, it is not isolated from other functions, all are interconnected. PSIC. Luis Villegas Terapista visual Director original author and source of the article