Endogenous factors: the endogenous obesidade, presents only something around 2% 5% of related cause the genetic syndromes, endcrinos tumors or riots (NOTARY, et al., 2000 apud ANDRADE, 1998). Although it has not been possible to establish the accurate definition of critical periods of development of the fabric adiposo, removed data of literature suggest the existence of two very important intervals in the adiposity human being. The first period if even extends of the birth for return of two years of age. Already as it occurs in the pubescent period, approximately between ten and 16 years.
The excess of precocious corporal fat premakes use to the most varied complications, therefore beyond the social discrimination, the organic factors, related still exist to the future illnesses. The factors most common for the establishment of the obesidade in infancy, according to Fisberg (1995), wean are it precocious and the inadequate food introduction of weans, inadequately prepared lcteas formula job, riots of alimentary behavior and the inadequate familiar relation. Some studies had been carried through to analyze risks of illnesses in obesos children and adolescents. The study of revision carried through for Mello et al (2004) told that the complications caused for the overweight and peditrica obesidade they are so serious as the occured ones in the adult age. Complications to articulate, cardiovascular, of growth, endcrino-metabolic and respiratory are the main ones, beyond the potential risk of death that exists in this gravity of the illness. The presence of familiar obesos, over all the parents, are a determinative factor for the occurrence of the same problem in the children, either for the association of the genetic factors to the ambient ones, or for the present energy ingestion in the alimentary habits, the decurrent energy expense of the life style and all the familiar dynamics (NGUYER et al., 1996). The lack of a physically active life of the parents serves of example so that the children also possess sedentary habits.