Mutations in the genetic systems of pests and insects and the effects on human health due to unusual organisms can not control the immune system. After plowing the road nearly three-hour meeting they held in Sao Paulo, where they discussed agricultural subsidies and the globalized market, the Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso Amorim, and Trade Representative of the United States, Susan Schwab, concluded that is necessary to take measures with “urgency” in the Doha Round of World Trade Organization (WTO). The Brazilian foreign minister said he was “convinced” that the end of the negotiations is about to happen, so he announced that contact Brazil’s partners group of countries in the G-20 agricultural producers, and MERCOSUR, to enhance inter-ministerial meetings in parallel. These meetings concentrated oil-producing states and agricultural producers (sugar cane, corn or fermented from grains), ie potential ethanol producers. Amorin left a trail of causal interest Brazil-US agreement.
The minister stressed “The big change now is to go to see the alcohol (ethanol) not as an agricultural product subject to all the protections that have historically agricultural products, but as an energy commodity.” The U.S. already has part of the path taken, has advanced technology for the production of agricultural resources and alterations to suit weather (weather weapons), but also to be the pioneer in the list of the most polluting countries in the world. In the words of U.S. President George W. Bush “has more the U.S. economy than ecology” therefore refused to sign the Kyoto protocol, ratified in February 2005 by 141 nations, which pledged to reduce by 2012 greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change, this list includes Brazil.
( Other key countries in Latin America are already working towards the adoption of ethanol as a means of energy: ethanol fuel program in Colombia, third largest producer of biofuel in America, began in 2002 when the government passed a law requiring that the oxygen enrichment of gas looking for the reduction of carbon monoxide emissions from cars. Latest regulations exempted ethanol produced from biomass of some taxes on gasoline, thus making it more accessible for your purchase with oil derivative. The ethanol program in Venezuela came only as an additive in unleaded gasoline, commonly known as green gasoline, that prepared without the addition of tetraethyl lead). At present Venezuela imports Brazilian ethanol, yet under construction ethanol plants getting along with Cuba, from sugar cane and corn, independent from imports. The fuel ethanol program in Argentina will invest $ 264 million to cover the demand for biofuels is expected for 2010. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food said in a report to produce biodiesel to 5% is going to need 144 million dollars, while in the case of 5% ethanol will require another 120 million dollars. (Buenos Aires DYN) Ethanol program called: to Nicaragua because President Daniel Ortega requested a meeting with Lula da Silva where conversation is the most important biofuel. Uruguay is also a usable space to the new boom in renewable fuel, so posting Danilo Astori. Some say that history is cyclical, on one occasion in the late 80’s, this boom has revolutionized the industrialized countries, but had no that interference and abuse. The need to create Opegasur (Organization for producing and exporting countries of the South), proclaimed by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, on his tour parallel to Bush, it becomes more imminent with the new threat, the Clan Ethanol.