A species with little genetic diversity will have few resources in their genes to adapt to changes in the environment and will be very vulnerable. If this is combined with negative factors as the populations reduced and isolated, with the consequent highly probable cosanguineo crossing, the species runs a high risk of extinction, considered experts. The Iberian lynx, the carnivorous more in danger of Europe, one of the most threatened felines in the world, showing very little genetic variation among their current copies has been in this situation. Many experts have considered even that the chances of survival of the species would therefore so scarce that conservation programs would have little long-term success. However, a few Spanish scientists (in collaboration with experts from Denmark, Sweden and United Kingdom) have analyzed the genetic material from remains of Iberian lynx and have discovered that, at least in the past 50,000 years, their genetic variability has always been very low, so the threat comes from others fronts. Source of the news:: low genetic diversity does not endanger the Iberian lynx