A time established to the loss of the conscience, the priority of the ressuscitao for the adult victim is to telephone to activate the team of the medical system of emergency. The Ressuscitao consists by airmail of open: to keep the by airmail open one; breath: to supply the artificial ventilation; circulation: to promote artificial circulation through the external cardiac compression and desfibrilao: to restore the beating cardiac. The team of nursing knew to answer with effectiveness the questionnaire, being shown its to know on the subject, that is, the majority of the answers had been correct. Survey of the team of nursing in relation to used medications in a Cardiorrespiratria Stop. This graph discloses that 100% of the Nurses they had answered correctly on the knowledge of medications used in a Cardiorrespiratria Stop, while 97% of the Technician of nursing had answered correctly, and 3% erraram on the knowledge of medications used in a Cardiorrespiratria Stop.
As Smeltzer and Bare (2002) the medications used in the Cardiorrespiratria Stop are: Oxygen: Therefore it improves the tecidual oxygenation and it corrects the hypoxaemia. The patients with acute cardiac isquemia or suspicion of hypoxaemia are managed in all, including those with DPOC, being of FiO2 of 100%; Adrenalin: it increases the sistmica vascular resistance and the arterial pressure, improves the coronary and cerebral perfuso and the miocrdica contratibilidade, it is supplied to the patients in Cardiac arrest caused by ventricular taquicardia, ventricular, assistolia fibrilao or electric activity without pulse. It must be managed in endovenoso cake or through the endotraqueal pipe; Atropine: it blocks the parassimptica action, it increases the automaticity of the nodule and conduction AV. is managed in patients with symptomatic bradicardia, must be managed quickly; Sodium bicarbonate: it corrects acidose metabolic, the initial dose must be of 1 mEq/Kg IV, after that the dose is based on the deficit of base calculated from the arterial gasometria and Magnesium: that she promotes the functioning adequate of the cellular sodium-potassium bomb, after the administration must itself be monitored for hipotenso, assistolia, respiratory paralysis.