Physical and mental activity in the Third age the body is composed for approximately 75 trillions of cells, and when the cells if divide in the known process as mitose, ace DNA sequences goes being shortened. After many cycles of division, them they disappear until, finally, the cells lose its capacity of renewal. The cells ganglionares of the central nervous system lose its capacity of division, resulting in the appearance of diverse patologias as dementias, Alzheimer, Parkinson, therefore they are degenerative and with high index of daily pay genetic disposal. An atrophy in the region occurs frontal of the brain in gradual way, whose its signals and symptoms are assintomticos, only perceivable when the degeneration this in an advanced phase in the cerebral cells that intervene the cognitivas functions. The occupation lack is perceived that and stimulates cerebral results in an accented proliferation of cerebral disconnection, therefore in the third age it becomes common that familiar they treat the people in the third age with a too much care, placing barriers in its routine activities, become it obsolete. This is a retrocession, therefore activity is known that sinapse enters the neurons in the third age is of basic importance for balances the cognitivo neural aging, therefore playful, physical and mental as to read a book, crossed, walked words, to attend a film, or activities of domestic matrix can stimulate neurognese that it is the process of formation of new neurons in the brain. Frede Magalhaes Moura Student of nursing