(Table 1) the pantries do not present genetic characteristics differentiated by if to deal with urban trees, suffer alterations in its natural conformation. DC (m) N de IndivduosTaxa > 0,0? 3.58972.29% d 3,6? 5.0086.55% and 5,1? 7.5097.57% and 7,6? 10.01310.65% and 10,1? 12.532.45% Table 1. Number of individuals in different classrooms of diameter of the pantry, SOURCE: IT HISSES, M.L., 2006 4,4 Analysis of the Frequency of the Types of Pruning the recommendations of pruning in this square demonstrate that 45.08% of the individuals do not need interventions and that 55.73% need some type of pruning, either to stimulate the production of branches, flowers or fruits or as measured of fitossanitrio control. The pruning of formation was indicated in 35,24% of the individuals and the pruning of cleanness for 18,85%, mainly for the trees with superior height 10m. 4,5 Analysis of the Visual Value On the visual value was observed that 52.03% of the individuals are in good condition how much the aesthetic one with prominence for the mangifera indicates (75%), rigid Parapiptadenia (71%), hibiscus schizopetatus (53.57%) and 60% of the individuals of the species macambira. 46.42% had been classified as to regulate and only 5.69% if they find with bonanza appearance.
It was verified that the aesthetic appearance of the same ones can be attributed by the practical one of inadequate pruning, the absence and the lack of conservation on the part of the users or by the attack of .causing agents of illnesses. 5. CONCLUSION the study carried through on the arborization of the Gilson Square Mountain range and Hisses situated in front of Unit of Health of the Memorare was evidenced that 55.73% of the individuals need pruning, mainly of cleanness. The individuals of the Mangifera species indicate, rigid Parapiptadenia, Psidum guayava, Coesalpinea echinata, Cochlospermum vitfolium and not identified others, all the medium trees the great transport with superior height 10m.