oii comparison study: success rate of BPM projects since 2006 increased only slightly companies make up even heavy Cologne process orientation, 06.02.2012 – unchanged fail many firms from establishing process-oriented organizational structures, although there was a slight increase in the success rate in the last five years. Currently the desired results according to a comparison survey of digital intelligence institute (dii) on average only three out of five projects, in 2006 it was only good half. Also the reasons for the inadequate results of the project have changed somewhat in the meantime. 61 percent cite currently insufficient expertise in business processes about 300 respondents responsible in medium-sized and large companies as essential difficulties in the projects. Five years ago, the long lead times and limited human resources as the main reasons were mentioned by the company. The project costs now represent a comparatively child problem. You will be currently less than the half of those questioned inadequate project results in connection causally associated with the, 2006 was even a closer relationship. The same applies to the adoption of organizational changes that are related to business process initiatives.
You have influence on the achievement of the projects currently for 51 percent of the company, there were still 60 percent five years ago. Instead has another issue to the fore: the use of tools for business process management (BPM). 2006, 46 percent saw a primary connection with the project results in the wrong selection of systems for process modeling and control, now this is represented but 59 percent as a central cause. Prof. Ayelt Komus sees the discrepancy between the often-ambitious targets of a process orientation and the actual quality of realization of is a problem everywhere to observe in practice”by the Fachhochschule Koblenz its longtime experience in accordance with the results of the survey. Often the projects are too complex or too rigidly planned and losing sight of the goal in the operational implementation”, he describes one of the typical difficulties.